Tuesday, February 18, 2014

speaking the truth..

It’s almost 11 pm and I have yet to write today’s blog.  OH my!!!   LOL  It might just be under the wire, but here I am!  Bravo for me.  ;)
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I often speak before I think.  It happens WAY too much.  It’s not that I intend to say something that will offend someone else but alas…   On the other hand, I very seldom, if ever, say something I don’t actually mean.  You may not take it the way I mean it (that seems to be the biggest problem) but I am very careful to not speak half truths or outright lies and I try desperately to refrain from passing gossip.  After all, who am I to judge?   
I think what has been really bothering me the most is this incessant need to be Politically Correct.  I am beyond over it.  If I speak of something, more often than not, it is from my personal experience.  I am constantly amazed that someone else finds what I have been through a personal affront.  I have been blessed to grow up in amid myriad of social, economic, and racial environments.  Each one of these seasons of life have taught me a new lesson, broadened my horizons and thought patterns, and sometimes been a challenge to my world view and Christian walk.  God is good.  He has allowed me the opportunity to become part of His family and His family is expansive and diverse.  But, I will be honest; I have also been taunted and ridiculed for being who God made me.   I have been belittled and marginalized.  I have been dismissed more than once for not being the round peg. 
In the end it’s all about the journey.  I am a stronger person.  I know who I am.  I know what I am made to do.  I know who I that I am a child of the Most High God.  I know that I am valuable and loved. 

My prayer is that you find you.  That you know, really KNOW who you are, and know that you are loved and that you are worthy to be loved.  After all, I already love you and I am amazing!!  Isn’t that worth something?!    ;)


  1. Good words... why do we always feel we need to be like everyone else... Living in the Lord as he intended us to be is the ultimate life... I know in my strange, unusual weirdness... I am who I should be... which is not to say I don't need to soften a few edges from trauma along the way...

  2. True words lindydstar! You are the one and only YOU. I am the one and only me .. warts, traumas, and scars included. ;)
