Saturday, February 22, 2014

Loving life..

“Be in love with your life.  Every minute of it.” – Jack Kerouac

I saw this quote on Facebook tonight and it made me think…how many of us are actually in love with our lives?  Truly, deeply, enamored with our life?  Maybe not every detail of course…no one really wants to take out the garbage or clean the house yet again, do they?  I’ll bet somebody does.  How awesome is that?  
This just make me ponder – do I actually LOVE my life - every minute of it?  I would like to say yes loud and clear, but I’m a bit of a pessimist apparently.  (I am a ‘you didn't fill the glass properly’ kind of girl when you get right down to it!)  Do I love MOST of my life?  You bet! 

I know that I am especially blessed to be one of the few people in this world who is actively pursuing my passion and working in my calling.  I am doing what I know I was made to do. I thank God every day for that privilege.  I am also grateful to my husband, who not only knowingly married a musician, but continually acts as chauffeur, roadie and benefactor.  I have 3 beautiful furry babies who are always excited when mommy comes home; mommy has treats, or even when mommy simply has a lap.  (Well, let’s be honest – I have 2 like that and a Whippet who is a bit old and senile and...Some of you know. LOL)  I have friends that I adore and who adore me.  I have a beautiful home with heat in the winter, air in the summer, no leaks in the roof and food in the cupboards.  I’d say I am a pretty blessed woman.  I have known heartache, illness, and the sting of death and yet can honestly say that in the larger scheme my life is filled to the brim with laughter, deep breaths, long walks, short runs and constant reminders that my God is ever on my side. 
(On a side note – Shout out to the lovely woman who stepped out with a word tonight – you were on time.)

I’m still one of those people who are challenged to find the joy in every situation and in every moment of daily living.  Yes, I am a work in progress, but I shall keep pressing toward the goal.  But as for right now, in this moment … yeah, I’m a pretty happy camper.  

1 comment:

  1. sometimes we just need to hang on to simple blessings in life.....and sometimes it is easier to give a word to a stranger... While we are suffering and find it difficult to hear the Lord for ourselves
